First Churches offers many classes, spanning all ages topics chosen to assist Christians in their daily walk through life and faith.
Wednesday Night Adult Class
6:15 pm in Fellowship Hall (following the meal)
Various studies with Pastor Hunt such as study of Acts or Romans
for more information please contact the FUMC Church office – 276-1592
6:00 pm – Men’s Book Study in Cynthia Room
This group is led by TBD. Books used in this study are unique to men such as “Maximized Manhood” and “Never Quit”
Contact the Church Office – 276-1592
Adult Sunday School Classes
Agape Class
10:00 AM in Joy Class Room in Nettie Hammond Bldg.
The Agape class mainly consists of middle aged adults. Various studies are used including those written by Elsworth Kalas and others. This class loves visitors!
For more information please contact:
Leslie Womack –
Andy Davis –
BASIC Men’s Class
10 am in Children’s Choir Room in Nettie Hammond Bldg.
This class is typically made up of men 30’s–50’s. The material used by the BASIC class is the Uniform series by Cokesbury. Each week the group has prayer, lesson and discussion. This group occasionally takes off a week or two to aide in teaching the younger classes or for various other reasons.
For more information contact:
Fairly Guest @ 276-4429
Betsy Sanford Class
10am in Ed Guest Bldg. each Sunday
The Betsy Sanford Class began in 1954 and continues a tradition for mature men & women today. Using Cokesbury material and rotating several teachers brings unique insights to the lessons. Each week consists of prayer, singing, sharing joys & sorrows, planning fellowship and service opportunities and studying the lesson.
Major projects for this class have been Missions, Food Bank, and other opportunities as they arise.
For more information contact:
Charles Buie (910)276-1168 or Sarah Fletcher (910)276-0239
Cynthia Class
10am in Cynthia class room each Sunday
The Cynthia class is a mixture of men and women ranging all ages. They use the Adult Bible Study quarterly Uniform Series material. At the beginning of the class there is time for Joys & Concerns and the class is opened with prayer. To this class’ advantage there are several who share the Teaching assignment and therefore it makes an interesting class to attend.
For more information contact:
Becca Hughes @ 277-0730
Ed Guest Men’s Class
10am in Ed Guest Bldg. each Sunday
This is the Seniors Men’s Class at First Search. Come early for coffee and fellowship with other members.
This class studies the quarterly Cokesbury material for the lesson each week and there are 3 rotating teachers who serve this class. A normal Sunday would be Fellowship, Hymns, lesson and prayer.
For more information contact:
Glenn Beane @ 276-7804