Here you will find some of the most frequently asked questions that United Methodists hear.
Do United Methodists believe that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary to go to heaven?
What does it mean to be saved, to accept Jesus as your personal savior?
To be saved means turning away from a life that is without God, that is focused solely upon ourselves. It means giving up the obsession with our needs, our wants, our pleasures, our comforts, our importance, our egos, and our power. If my world is nothing but me, then no one else, including God, is likely to get in. Being saved from also means being saved from destructive patterns of life — things that destroy us instead of build us up. Some of those common destructive elements (which Christians call sin) are alcohol, drugs, sexual misuse and abuse, intolerance, lust for power, pursuit of money at the expense of others, and so forth. Involvement in such patterns usually comes from a need to fill a void in life, to cover a feeling of inadequacy.
When God becomes a part of our life, we realize that a focus on self is not a full life. We understand that self-focus alone has no future and offers nothing to build up anyone else or to advance the great causes of humanity.
One really important thing to point out is that by being saved it also means being saved to. We are saved to an ongoing personal relationship with God. Because we are his child, we have full access to him. We communicate with God and get direction for our life through prayer, reading his word and teaching (sermons, Bible Studies etc). We also have full benefits (because we have accepted the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ) to the abundant life spoken of in John 10:10b.
Does the United Methodist Church ordain women?
What does the United Methodist Church say about tithing?
In addition, each annual (regional) conference, as part of its responsibilities in the area of stewardship, is to “educate the local church that tithing is the minimum goal of giving in The United Methodist Church.”
Why does the United Methodist Church have the insignia of the Cross & Flame?
The Cross and Flame emblem is a powerful reminder of who and whose we are as United Methodists. The elements of the emblem remind us of a transforming moment in the life of Methodism’s founder, John Wesley, when he sensed God’s presence and felt his heart “strangely warmed.” The two tongues of a single flame may also be understood to represent the union of two denominations.
The symbolism is as follows:
- The Cross represents The United Methodist church to God through Christ
- The Flame represents the Holy Spirit and is a reminder of Pentecost when witnesses were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit and saw “tongues, as of fire” (Acts 2:3).
Who makes the decision of hiring a new pastor for a United Methodist local church?
The church’s Pastor Parish Relations (PPR) committee consults with the district superintendent and communicates if they desire a change in pastoral leadership. Recommendations of the pastor parish relations committee are advisory only.
Pastors also can indicate whether they wish to stay at their current appointments, wish to move to another appointment, or have no preference. Pastors in The United Methodist Church agree to serve where called and to accept and abide by the appointments.
We hope that you have found what you were looking for in this presentation of frequently asked questions. If not please send us an email with your question(s). Contact information can be found at the bottom of the page. If your question is one we’ve heard before we may even include it on our frequently asked questions page. Thank you for turning to First United Methodist Church of Laurinburg in your search for answers.