Mother’s Day: The youth will share what their mothers mean to them during the 8:30am service on Mother’s Day. If you and your family are able, we would love if you joined us. Since many people will be celebrating Mother’s Day with their families, the youth will meet on Sat, May 11 from 2-4pm instead of Sun, May 12 from 5-7pm.
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser: To help cover the costs of the Breakaway retreat in June, the youth will have a pancake breakfast fundraiser in the fellowship hall. If you are able, we will be taking donations of pancake mix, eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, and juice until May 12. The time has changed from 9-11am to 10am-12pm in order to give the youth more time to prep before the fundraiser begins. For those who are unable to make it Saturday morning, the time change will also allow our church family who come to the 8:30am and 11am services to participate as well.
Breakaway Retreat: The NC Conference of the UMC has organized Breakaway, a week-long summer retreat for 6th-12th graders. The theme for the retreat is “Life is a Jungle” and will include opportunities for youth to strengthen their faith, meet new people, and have fun! The retreat consists of worship, small group sessions, a talent show, dance, etc. and will be held at NC Wesleyan University in Rocky Mount. More details can be found on the NCCUMC website. The cost is $400 for the week-long retreat and covers all lodging, meals, and programming. To raise money for the retreat, we will have a pancake fundraiser in May. Tell your neighbors and friends and invite their youth to join us on this exciting retreat! To register your youth, you can fill out the registration form here. The registration deadline is June 1. Once the deadline passes, the retreat coordinator will reach out with further details.